Our Cause

Hunger is on the rise in a world that produces enough to feed everyone.

Our motivation was to write a fictional crime thriller set against the backdrop of humanitarian events unfolding in real-time. We sought to highlight “the hunger paradox”: that hunger is on the rise in a world that produces enough to feed everyone. We wished to honor humanitarianism and our colleagues who gave their lives in the service of fighting hunger.

Our story highlights the power of school feeding programs which incentivize the poorest parents to send their children, and girls in particular, to school. Girls who stay in school get married later, give birth to healthier and better-educated children, and earn higher incomes which benefit their families and communities. A nutritional meal costs 50 cents to feed a hungry child at school which is an investment in health, education, and each child's future potential.

“We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.”

- Mother Teresa

If you would like to give or learn more about the global food crisis, humanitarian operations or school meal programs you may visit the following websites:

UN World Food Programme (WFP)
World Food Program USA